"Eye of Narkissos" - Chapter 1 from my novel

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chapter One

Your mother loves you, and never meant you any harm.

Such was the last line in every letter that I've ever received from the village of Hera-Sfakiá. The simplicity of the words never ceased to gall me, for there was something I needed more than love that my mother owed me. What had she meant me; if not harm, then what? She had mangled me, damned me to obscurity, cast me out my homeland. Cruelest of all, she had gone on living. Why didn't she write me? For all of my piteous queries, none were ever answered. My cousins wrote instead of impending war on our isle of Kréte, of strident patriotism as their final stand against God-fueled tyranny, whilst they ever evaded the one thing I needed to hear in order to forgive my mother and begin living. I stashed the letter away with thirty-some others--two a year since I arrived to the countryside of Firenze.

It wasn't that I didn't care what happened to our land, our faith. Mayhap it is that I only see the situation from one side, for you see, I have but one eye.

The early letters told me I was born with two, one blue and the other brown. They told me that nine moons after my birth, my mother gouged out the blue one in accordance with her inner demon and was forced by the Public Elder, my own Christian father, to sell me to a foreign slaver. I was the man's seventeenth bastard son, my mother's one and only. They wrote she was his chambermaid, a sorceress as beautiful as she was loveless. Loveless indeed, for my mother, mistress of magickry and men, sold her one-eyed babe into a pious country befallen to the witch-craze. Thus, she damned me to persecution, solitude, and subsequent bouts with madness, which have driven away or alienated everyone I have ever loved.

No matter the pain or humiliation of a memory, I never forget. Of my toddlerhood, the memories have since sharpened, and to remember is to slash at the persona I have labored to perfect. Well and good; I narrate for those who have ever passionately loved a place, a faith, a man or woman, painting or song--and whilst, never loved himself. But I jump ahead when I intend to pour my heart out for you in a slow drip, lest you believe I am easily defined and my story a mere cautionary tale for the narcissistic fool.

Contrary to what most believe, babes are actively aware of their surroundings, and, if properly meditated upon, the adult can later recall vivid memories of smells, sights, sounds, and their affects upon the psyche. And so it is: From the age of four I remember choppy, seasick days and nights, voyaging by Venixiàn merchant galley from Kréte to Italia. I knew much in those days; I heard it forever afterwards that children who fed on the breast milk of their kin, rather than drink the milk of cattle or herd, were smarter and resistant to all types of flux. Or, as my tribe believed, it was because I was touched by the goddess who favored blessed souls. And so I was a bright child despite my deformity, and over-active, highly interested in the conversations of adults and the details of my surroundings. I remember the near forty other orphans onboard, all of us trembling and pale with hunger. I remember the sway and bob motion that I grew quickly accustomed to, while it made others retch in the creaking shadows.

Though the ship made several layovers, we were allowed on deck but the first day of the voyage and the last; only two days, out of two years, to squint at the blinding skies over the endless sea, to wallow in untainted air. Children, of course, we knew no better, and were told nothing of our destination. Every child passed a dreary birthday aboard ship; some passed two. And every one found friendship with one or another; all save me, for I was too little, and though I knew not at the time, I was unforgivably peculiar.

We docked in Venixia at what the sailors onboard called The Arsenal. Untold that the footing was treacherous--for the pier was rickety, mildewed by constant moisture--I went hands and knees onto slimy, ragged wood. Before I could scrunch my face, my wetnurse, Tethys, lifted me, rubbed my knees, and wiped my hands on her skirt. A solemn child of four years in her arms, I cooed in awe of the majesty of the Great Canal. The dead-fish stench of the inland waters was nigh unbearable, but nothing compared to the un-scrubbed chamber pot we had shared aboard ship.

The Doge's palace frightened me: like a golem squatting on the water of the Canal. I demanded down from Tethys's embrace, and stood paralyzed, staring. Our handlers urged me to walk, and as we neared it, I saw intricate characters carved along the arches, zodiacal images such as the galloping Taurus bull, the left-clawed Hermit Crab, and the Sagittarian archer. I imagined that the palace brimmed with gold and jewels, and housed the world's greediest man. I decided then that I hated anyone who seated the lap of luxury, uncaring whilst babes were stolen from their parents. Little did I know then; such little.

We made through a labyrinthine series of high stucco walls and narrow stairways, and crossed an arching bridge high over the Canal water. I envied the older children who were big enough to peer over the edge, and imagined what the landscape of Venixia sprawled to the north and south looked like--countless chimneys and spires and bell towers and crosses scraping the sky. Bored, I observed passerby locals and scholars, many Greeks and Romanos touring the city, walking with children or hounds, partaking of street vendors who called out their wares with savvy phrases and promises. Such a city swelled the senses of a toddling Hellene, especially one native to Hera-Sfakia, where the cave rituals, forests, and gods were older, quieter. I concentrated on the heels before me to keep pace with the group, and tried to time my gait with theirs.

Aroma of spiced sausages, baked fruits, and pastries--my stomach cramped with hunger. Our grave-faced handlers, most of whom spoke Romano that I did not understand, made an example of a would-be thief, a boy not much older than me, and to the rest of us gestured to the effect that we would get the worst of it. We were but live cargo, like chattel; although, even then, I knew that horses or sheep would've been led to graze and drink. A naturally complacent child, unlike the others, I made no complaint.

Down a dark passage of stairs, the archway opened onto the Square of San Marco, and thus to the outer courtyard of the Doge's palace. There, the street pavement was patterned, marble white on gray, almost like the Hellene key-pattern. Locals tossed onto it fodder for doves; and since most of us were very young and thus restless, our Venixiàn handlers allowed us to frolic amongst them. I ran about sprightly and snuck up on a horde of the cooing birds whilst they pecked about--only for the thrill of being brushed by their wings as they took flight. White feathers floated down, and all around me wings shuffled like playing cards back into the sky. I spun beneath them, laughing, until one of them squirted his offal on me--like a dollop of white paint--on the indigo sleeve of my coat.

Time and again my wetnurse scolded me for not wearing that coat, telling me she exchanged a favor for it with a peddler back in the port-city of Xania. I gave it no thought at the time; of course, when I remember now of how comely Tethys was, I realize with regret the nature of that favor.

I stopped dead-still, dizzy, and stared at my sleeve, horrified.

One of the other orphans, another to be sold into indenture like me, laughed and pointed. To this day I cannot forget her bouncing ringlets of hair, the same copper as Tethys's, but closer to gold. I thought her divine and couldn't understand, then, how her kinsfolk could have given her up--but she wore a small bronze crucifix on her collar, dull and tarnished.

"Come along, kid," she said in Greek, "before they scold you."

I stumbled alongside her, my gaze on our handlers--big bearded men whom I remember as tolerant but stern. All of us walked in lackadaisical single file, the orphan girl on my good side--the one with the eye. I recognized her from the galley, but had been too young to know her. She was nigh two heads taller than me, her dress drab, but her lace-up boots near new. Countless string-thin metal bracelets jingled on her wrist as she covered her mouth and giggled. Her lips were the pink of camellia buds.

She said, "I will become a nun here in Venixia someday, and from there, mayhap, a Saint. I am Rhebekka."

The pride in her voice took me off-guard. "I am Gianni . . . ."

"Such a simple name; did the handlers give it?"

"My nurse." Tethys was not far. I pointed.

"Ah, you are the one still on the breast. Your kinsfolk are traditional Sfakíanous, then." The word sounded evil on her tongue. She lifted her chin then peered over her nose at me. "They are the only ones who still believe that a child must be nursed till age five. How embarrassing, you poor thing! There is only one other Kretan like you among us, but he is seven. I," she said lifting her nose, "am eight. I have five Christian sisters back home, and they are older, so Father sent me abroad to learn about the Messiah."

Later on, I pitied her. At the time I said nothing, but stared at the menace on my arm.

She smothered a giggle. "They say 'tis good luck when a dove does his bad deed on you."

As tears dampened my lashes, I held out my arm. "Can I wipe it off?" She wriggled with laughter, piercing, musical, almost infectious--until an unfriendly breeze moved my hair. She saw my eye. And uncontrollably, a tear made its line down my cheek.

I remember too vividly how the emotion and blood ran from her face, how she instantly changed from winsome to grotesque, her teeth gnarled, then her hand coming up to stifle the scream as it skidded up her throat; the other clenched around the hilt of her crucifix, knuckles white as chalk. "A demon--everyone look--demon!" Her tone chilled me to the marrow and siphoned the attention of passersby.

I froze, bewildered and innocent; crouched to my heels, grimaced at her screams. Others in our procession bumped into me from behind. When I saw someone out the corner of my eye falling to the pavement, I sprang headlong into a run, stumbling in my oversized shoes. I must have looked crazed, this one-eyed toddler screaming through the greatest square of Venixia like I'd seen a ghost. With sincere gratitude for the incident, I smile on it now, but back then it seemed rather like the first thunder one hears before a great storm.

The dark inner archways of the Doge's Palace, the white columns sunken into the pavement, looked like monster teeth, yet they beckoned me. The nape of my collar was quick met by the grip of one of our handlers.

"Best get used to it, lad," he said in my tongue. He swung me in the ring of his arms then released me toward the comforting folds of my wetnurse's skirts, where I clung for dear life. I didn't cry, I never do because my single eye can hardly make tears; but buried my face and trembled with my arms around her legs, until she lifted me in her arms. I snuggled my nose behind her ear, relieved that her hair was loose, for it hid me well.

Best get used to it. Stunning words to a child.

"Calm down, my love. Tethys is here now." She shushed me, her breath on my cheek warm and sour from lack of food or drink. "Oh, you tremble so! What happened to you, Gianni?"

The world knows how hard it is to soothe a toddler's woes. Tethys began singing, humming, really, a song that would remain with me for the rest of my days. Tethys--not only a wetnurse, but a priestess of the Heraion Sisterhood back in Kréte--spoke not a word to the others, only glared at them and tucked her pendants and talismans inside her collar. Whenever she sang sweetly to lull my eyelids, she sang of a heartland being drained of its glory by the One God legions; of a forgotten messiah returning to liberate enslaved minds, minds that had forgotten The First Ones. And thus, I learned that "traditional" Sfakianous were cut off from this world not only by a ring of protective mountains, but by their worship of the Old Gods.

She had once put it to me like this--and though I was but four, how can I ever forget?--"The way in which we worship the gods changes over time. Primitive peoples worshipped them primitively, offering brutal sacrifices that their crops did well, that their ills were banished, their sons returned from voyage or hunt. Modern people worship modernly, offering up fanciful song and poem and painting and love that enlightenment is gained." Such was the way Sfakianous worshipped the Old Gods, with subtle rites that were lost on dull-witted peoples. Whether or no it was coincidence that many dullards were Christian, I know this: they cowered from any god older than theirs like it was demonic, with no care for our intense devotion, no matter how poetic or beautiful. For a time, when I was ignorant, I thought them enlightened. But, at my coldest life lesson--the one to render this one a mere training wheel--I remembered Tethys's song, her passion when singing of Kréte to me, of exalting the old gods with the greatest form of love, which was creativity. And I've since grown wiser.

From her blouse she loosed an engorged breast. My childhood teeth pinched the tip, and she yelped, a sound that quickly dropped to soft, melodic lyrics. I loved her for singing to me, loved that my bright-eyed recognition pleased her. Betimes I still dream of her singing sweet as syrup, high, trembling, and vulnerable. Mayhap she is the reason I am bewitched by tortured songsters and poets now.

After the harsh lesson I learned from that bratty insignificant child, Rhebekka, I grew my hair long to hide my flaw. Socially, I became an actor, cheery and tolerant as could be, so as to conceal the resentment when someone did a double-take on my eye. And I do not believe that I remembered, at the time, to wipe the bird's offal from my sleeve; not that it mattered, for my ill luck but flourished from there. I only wonder now if some of it rubbed onto Tethys's sleeve as well.

So there was chapter one of a novel - one of a couple - that I'm currently working on. My idea was to write a totally alternate historical, to take a situation from the Renaissance that actually happened, only put a bit of spin on it and add some spiritual magic and bratty attitude. EYE OF NARKISSOS, or EoN, is my tribute to a time period that fascinates and inspires me.


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